Interested in tax law?
Did you know that the Law Library provides two great tax resources online that provide more tax materials than you could ever imagine? Examples include legislative history compilations, editorial content, and every IRS publication you could think of. The Bloomberg/BNA Tax & Accounting Center and the Intelliconnect CCH OmniTax Library can give students and faculty access to all those materials and more.
The IntelliConnect legal research platform provides users with access to all our CCH/Wolters Kluwer legal resources, including the CCH OmniTax Library, with its collection of state and federal tax materials.
The Bloomberg/BNA Tax & Accounting Center is a specialized legal research portal for tax professionals that bundles together all of BNA's tax resources, such as the Daily Tax Report and the Tax Management Portfolios, and provides access to the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, and federal tax cases.

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